Congratulations to our 2017-2018 Foundation Grant Winners!

October 18, 2017

October 18, 2017: The Lexington One Educational Foundation recognized its recent grant winners at the October 17th Lexington School District One Board of Trustees meeting. 

First, the Foundation was pleased to award a total of $19,149 to five very deserving elementary schools whose school leaders applied for and won 21st Century Innovation Grants for Elementary Schools. These grants all advance existing or future innovative, educational efforts and originally offered up to $5,000 to each school with a required 10% match. 

Congratulations to the 2017-2018 award winners: 

Lexington Elementary – Principal Jim H. Hamby 

$5,000 grant to build Fidget Friendly Classrooms. This grant will purchase fidget friendly items and flexible seating for all LES students who require extra non-traditional support in order to be successful in the classroom. It aims to increase student concentration and learning especially for ADD/ADHD identified students, decrease discipline issues, increase students’ self-esteem, and improve the learning of all students in such classrooms. 

Meadow Glen Elementary – Principal Cheryl H. Fralick and program coordinator Nancy A. Lind 

$5,000 grant for Equity and Diversity in Curriculum Matter project. This grant will purchase literature that is required in the EL Educational Modules of Learning in Language Arts that is part of Meadow Glen Elementary curriculum. It will help build classroom libraries that support the curriculum, diversity and rigorous content. 

New Providence Elementary – Principal Debbie R. Poole and program coordinator Rebecca Matthews 

$4,760 grant for Promoting a Brain-Based Learning Environment. This grant will purchase classroom equipment and resources that give students the freedom of movement and link body and brain in the learning process. It will also secure resources to promote Action-Based learning, which supports the link of movement and physical activity to increased academic performance. 

Pleasant Hill Elementary – Principal Margaret B. Mitchum, and program coordinators Betsy P. Goodman, Jen E. Jones and Amanda Youmans 

$1889 grant to Building a Box in Order to Think Outside of It This grant will purchase a 3D printer that students can use as a tool to combine design with manufacturing and art with technology. Students will become inventors and problem-solvers using this technology to enhance their learning, while building skills in collaboration. 

Saxe Gotha Elementary – Principal Beth A. Houck and program coordinator, Meghan W. Snipes 

$2,500 grant to create a Watch DOGS program Grant funds will create and support a Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program at Saxe Gotha that will benefit all students by connecting family engagement to student learning, enhance school security and bullying by providing positive role-modeling, and strengthen the SGES community. 

Second, the Educational Foundation board chair Simeon Bryant also presented a new grant at the board of trustees meeting. Recently our Foundation board members learned about the Read to Succeed initiative. The State of South Carolina mandated it in an effort to address literacy performance and implement a comprehensive system of support to ensure that SC students graduate on time with the literacy skills they need to be successful in the future. The state and Lexington One leaders want students to become proficient readers by the end of third grade. 

In an effort to support the development of our students’ literacy skills here in Lexington One, the Educational Foundation board awarded a $34,000 “Bucks for Books” Grant to be divided among the 17 elementary schools in our district. Mr. Bryant recognized Dr. Gloria Talley, Lexington One’s Chief Academic Officer, and Dr. Erica Bissell, Coordinator of Reading and Language Arts for the district, to be recognized for officially receiving this grant. This Educational Foundation grant is in investment in the students in Lexington One and was made possible through LEAP Campaign Education funds. 

After the presentation, Dr. Bissell and Dr. Talley were kind to present a mosaic print of children reading in Lexington One to Foundation executive director, Julie Anderson Washburn, who graciously accepted the beautiful gift. Mrs. Washburn commented, “This is the best part of my job – being able to announce how the funds the Foundation raised will be used to benefit students in Lexington One. I appreciate the kind gesture, as it will be a wonderful reminder of the positive impact that Foundation funds have on helping our students with reading skills and so much more.” 


invested in Lexington District One in fiscal year 2022-2023


All K-2 students benefited from the Counting Collections for Mathematics Grant


Awarded in Scholarships and/or Higher Education Grants