Fore the Foundation Grand Golf Tournament
Our Fore the Foundation Grand Golf Tournament is Thursday, October 24, 2024! Join us at Golden Hills Golf & Country Club for a fun round of golf while helping to raise money to support the Lexington County School District One Educational Foundation!
All proceeds will support our mission of serving Lexington District One schools, teachers and families through our educational and need-based funding. Each year the Educational Foundation offers student, teacher and school grants; scholarships to high school seniors; financial assistance to families struggling; and much more!
We are currently securing tournament sponsors! If you are interested in participating in this fun and rewarding event through a sponsorship, please contact Julie Washburn via email at or by phone 803-821-1008.
Team registration of $500 includes breakfast, green and cart fees, late lunch/dinner, and an awards ceremony. We also offer a Players Perks Package of $25 each that includes 2 mulligans, 2 red tees and 1 green toss. Make plans to join us!
LOCATION: Golden Hills Golf & Country Club (100 Scotland Drive, Lexington, SC 29072)
8:00 am Registration opens & each golfer receives a delicious breakfast
9:10 am Welcome & Tournament Rules
9:30 am Shotgun Start in Captain’s Choice tournament
2:30 pm Late Lunch/dinner (estimated time) provided, as well as Tournament Awards and Prizes
DRESS CODE: No cutoffs, jeans, or sweatpants. Must wear a collared shirt.
Note: The driving range will be closed that morning; however, you are welcome to warm up on the putting green.