Lexington One Educational Foundation Receives Walmart Gift To Support River Bluff High School VEX Robotics Team

May 26, 2022

Media Contact

Julie Anderson Washburn, Lexington One Educational Foundation Executive Director
PH: 803.821.1008
Megan Moore, Lexington One Chief Communications Director
PH: 803-821.1152


May 26, 2022, LEXINGTON, S.C. — The Walmart Foundation generously provided a second $2,000 grant to the Lexington One Educational Foundation in support of the River Bluff High School’s VEX Robotics Team in Lexington School District One. This kind donation provided financial assistance for the team when they traveled to Dallas, Texas, to compete in the VEX Robotics Team World Championship 2022 earlier in May. 

River Bluff High School Teacher Horst E. Daichendt led the LTC VEX Robotics Team and expressed sincere appreciation for the generous donation from Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. The support from Lexington District One, the district’s Career and Technical Education funding, the Educational Foundation, Michelin, and other kind corporate supporters make these amazing experiences possible for the participating students.

Regarding the competition season, the River Bluff High School Robotics team “Swamp Bots” competed in four competitions during the school year, which qualified them for State Finals. Per Daichendt, “In the State Finals, held March 5 and 6 at the Citadel, they competed with the other 39 qualified high school teams (92 VEX VRC high school teams in SC) for one of the 9 spots for Worlds. As State Runner Up in the State Elimination Finals, together with their alliance partner ‘A-Team’ from the Lexington Technology Center, the RBHS Swamp Bots team secured their spot at Worlds. Later on, the White Knoll High School ‘Robophobia’ team earned an invitation to Worlds, too. Lexington District One was well represented at Worlds!” Although the RBHS team competed in seven qualifying matches and made it to the elimination matches, they lost in round 16, but were thrilled to be one of the top 320 teams of the World competition.

Over the last four years the Lexington One Educational Foundation has significantly supported robotics and, in particular, VEX Robotics teams at our middle & high schools.  These robotics teams teach students STEM skills via competition. In the VEX Robotics competitions the students build a robot from scratch using coding, engineering, design, computational, teamwork and many other skills to master the assigned task for the competitions.

Educational Foundation Executive Director Julie Anderson Washburn shared, “We are so grateful for the continued donations from the Walmart Foundation, as this investment directly impacts the Lexington District One students who participate on the River Bluff High School VEX Robotics team. Such gifts enable our schools to offer exceptional experiences like competing in the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship. We also appreciate the support of our local Walmart store managers, who recognize the valuable skills that robotics teams, like River Bluff’s team, teach to our students.”

Industry demands that employees be tech-savvy and robotics team participation teaches and develops STEM talents in Lexington District One students. Thanks to corporate partners like Walmart and the Walmart Foundation, our students are able to continue to learn such skills and participate in the VEX Robotics Team World Championship Competition.

PHOTO: Educational foundation Board chair Chris Rice; River Bluff High School VEX Robotics Team members & Robotics Coach Horst E. Daichendt; and River Bluff High School Assistant Principal Meg Huggins.


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